So, will the western extension of the CONgestion Charge be removed or not? (the 'c' word, nice.) Bozo says that he has jolly well been bushwhacked, that the rumours and stories in the papers are a jolly old load of tosh un'bunkem etc. etc. but then again, he's been saying for ages that its going to be scrapped yet nothing has changed, "bereaucratic hoops" is his term for this unexplainable delay in turning off spy camera's and simply not charging people, or just not bothering to enforce fines or collect the money. Spaghetti Hoops is nearer the mark with this one I reckon (don't aks me why), the end date is always vague and sometime in the near future, nothings ever definite.
Bozo could of actually cycled round to all the camera's, turned them off and painted over all the signs on the road by himself, alone by now, but instead he's taking photo opportunities home and abroad with foreign dignitaries and kissing babies on Portobello road, hoops my jolly old butt.
It wouldn't surprise me if he left it till just weeks before the next election, to use as a ploy for another term, "vote me back in, I just jolly well scrapped the extension tax", and if he loses the election? He will at least have all those handy new contacts abroad to fall back on.
Pass the cigars.
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