Tuesday, 8 December 2009


I'm still surprised by the amount of people who live in the flats of the houses round here that don't think that the cleaning of the staircases, rubbish bag places and house front are their responsibility, just because they don't live in the basement or ground floor. Many residents think that it is the sole duty of the basement residents to clear up the communal rubbish bag area and not theirs because they live on the top two floors.
Thankfully I don't have that problem, apart from the deranged loon who lives in the middle flat (who does nothing), the mopping of the stairs and cleaning the rubbish area is happily shared between me and the family who live in the basement/ground floor so we don't have that problem, and it only takes fifteen minutes to do.
Why people think they are not responsible for the mess they themselves make in the rubbish area is beyond me, I have a feeling they deliberately choose not to consider it because they are selfish and lazy, they don't mind making a mess but won't entertain cleaning up after a dog, rodent or fox has ripped open their rubbish bags in the night.
That all residents are equally responsible for all communal areas is written into the tenancy agreements of all the houses whether they be council, housing trust or any of the other housing contracts round this area, it is even a council by-law I believe.
If you do have that problem and you don't want to 'grass up' someone, you can get the landlord to send individual, 'random' informal information letters to all tenants of the house outlining their communal responsibilities, it's better than having slanging matches with someone you have to share a hallway with.

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