Wednesday, 30 December 2009


While going through the net I came across the 'Datacide conference'. This 'counter culture conference' was held in Germany (Berlin) and among others featured Techno label PRAXIS (at least that's what I can work out from the speakers, some being DJ's on the label and it being on the labels site, but I could be wrong).
Anyhow, I saw this passage by STEWART HOME that touches on this area, and particularly the bit where he mentions writer ALEX TROCCI, because I was a mate of his son (r.i.p Nick), and it mentions Notting Hill.

This is a small excerpt from HOME'S 'Hallucination generation' and it's quite interesting.
'Looking at some of the more occulted aspects of the counterculture in 1960s London. How some of the key figures in the development of the scene rarely make it into the histories. Terry Taylor the first person to mention LSD in a British novel, and the inspiration
for both Absolute Beginners and Mister Love and Justice by a better known writer Colin MacInnes. Detta Whybrow and the first major LSD distribution network in London after the drug was made illegal. Alex Trocchi, drug dealing and black powers. Plus the Notting Hill's problematic writers of the 1950s who later occupied positions on the outer fringes of the counterculture.Stewart Home: Hallucination Generation.
Home provides this area with a link to the events of Paris 68 through Trocci's association with the Situationist international, who's finest hour was during that riotous "spectacle".
I don't think TROCCI Snr's 'Anarchist pornography' was problematic, rubbish maybe.

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