Let me explain what I am trying to say, and the best way to do that is by going through the adverts content itself, not all of it, that'd be too boring, but just the important bits that seem to have the most hidden-meaning laden scenes (at the start really).
Lets start naturally where most people usually start, at the start. The ad begins with a man in faded denim overalls, sailor boy hat and checked shirt who has just finished standing upright, while he effects an erect, happy worker style standing position he breaks into a big smile, while simultaniously breaking joyously into the chorus of a song with lyrics that contain the words "Lollipop, Lollipop -ooh, Lolli-Lolli-Lollipop.."

catches his eye and, with a knowing wink, joyfully joins in to the chorus of "ooh-Lollipop".
The two men are then joined by a crew of other men who are, like men number's one and two, also dressed up in the same Logger/Bronski Beat look-a-like outfits, although a couple are dressed slightly differently, like the labourer out of Village People. But instead of them singing a weepy Electro-pop song about running away from home, a traditionally bigotted and embittered, outraged working class father, and a sad mum who snifflingly packs her son a Tupperwear box of freshly made fish paste sandwiches for the sad, reflective train ride to London, instead we get a growing chorus of "ooh-Lollipop..." from our crew of electronic...Loggers?? (I could be wrong but I didnt think that 'Logger chic' had been adopted as the average uniform in silicon valley).
All the while this is happening, the phallic machines that our happy, singing crew is manning dutifully, is doing nothing but constantly dropping (excreting?) colourful, tapering semi-solid liquid shapes that one would only usually associate with a dogs morning walk, but our small army of ...Loggers(?) just stand at their work stations and smile knowingly at eachother while singing about "Lollipops".
There is then something going on with lots of colours flying around the heads of the singing workers but this all seems perfectly normal to our 19th century Village People/Barber shop singers who just carry on with their Lollipop song.
I dont pretend to understand the hidden context to all of the many adverts I see, but I am sure that this advert has one. As I said earlier, there is just something I just cant put my finger on.
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