Saturday, 7 August 2010


The honeymoon is well and truly over now for us, the new boss and his pet Clegg have made a stunning couple of policy announcements at a time when Parliament is on holiday, a pattern that has been followed by prevoius ministers who had wished to make obviously unpopular Bills become law, they put it through the Commons when most of the MP'S had already left on their holidays.
The first gob smackingly insulting decree from our leader (and his 'Liberal' crony) is the end of peoples right to a home for life, no longer can children grow in a house and even take it over as they marry or their parents die or downsize. Also, shockingly, people will soon have to 'justify' their presence in their own homes, if they are considered to have too many bedrooms for 'their needs'(dont all parents keep a room for when their children, friends or family visit?). Residents will also be required to 'justify' their presence in the area, and if the council view a resident or residents as not being socially desirable where they live they will be moved, as well as the social engerneering aspect of this policy, it will create (or was created for?), Ghettos that will soon appear, something prevoius Governments from both sides have tried to avoid sinse the riots of the early 1980's.
It may take ten years but this type of policy action has shown this to be the case every time this kind of ill thought policy has been carried out.
Already within forty eight hours of Cameron announcing this policy, the RBKC council housing department was on the phone to their tenents threatening them, according to a report in the Guardian, the council has Telephoned a number of tenents and told them that if they leave their homes now they will have some choice of what kind of home they get, and where they will be moved to, but if they refuse, they will be moved anyway but without a choice of where they will be rehomed (the council has so far refused to admit to how many of their residents were Telephoned and threatened). This is illegal to say the least, according to housing law it is illegal for a landlord to harrass or threaten a resident as had happened, but then, for some time certain parts of RBKC have long been acting like the Town Hall is in the old wild west, where they are the one and only law.
It is not hard to imagine Council residents living in the nice old houses around the Portobello area being targeted either, RBKC has long covetted this area because of its potentially high house prices and tourist money but have so far been hampered by the Housing Law, now all that may change and the law will now be working against residents, not protecting them anymore.
Then there is the fate of the relitively few Bankers who had helped commit the largest crime yet known in human history that didnt include mass murder, of course I mean the Bank bailout following the global sale of worthless 'Derivitives' packages, fraud and all that followed.
Now that the Banks are 'returning' to profits they have still only given pledges, and have been asked to pay back the borrowed tax payers money at a rate that will take one hundred years to pay back. Not only that, the obsene bonus' are back as are many of the working practices that created the situation in the first place. plus, suspiciously, it allowed a select few to gobble up various other companies for peanuts in the first place. If this situation were happening in the Painting and Decorating business it would be the same as rewarding employees for robbing a house and then making it collapse.
Lastly, Bozo Johnson has insultingly declared that we should all work well into our Eighties, this is insane.
Bozo says abolishing retirement will help to keep old people fit to which I say bulldollop!
My Granny still works at the age of 87 because she has to, not because she wants to.
I go most times to help her because she cannot do it alone, despite being forced to by her circumstances. Even though she has worked sinse she left school aged 14 and has worked ever sinse, she still cant retire and put her feet up, I see how bruised and swollen her hands become under the braces she has to wear, how she has to sit down for a rest and and two Asperins every half an hour, how tired she becomes and how deathly gray her pallor is at the end of her every working day, I cannot believe for one moment that any of that is "good for her health".
Bozo telling me that its good for her health is so much of a deep insult that I hope he falls off his bicycle while cycling fast on a gravel path and skids along on his face for at least ten yards.
My Granny is quite healthy compared to many people her age (apart from the ultra rich ones who buy organs from executed Chinese 'criminals' of course*) yet work is doing her in and wearing out what energy she has left, she cannot do any meaningfully manual work anymore, and nor should she have to at her age.
What sick mind wants people to keep working into their eighties while trying to tell them its good for their health? 'Work till you die people' would be a more honest statement.
All of that from the governments mouths in just this one week alone.
I wont even go on about the madman suggesting we have Lithium put in our drinking water again, aaarrgggh!
*The China organ business is a fact documented by the BBC, WHO and others (easy to look up), criminals are even be killed for immediate transportation to the airport where the foreign patient is waiting to board the mobile transplant lorry, a converted luxury mobile home, to recieve their new organ. Once the transplant is finished the new recipient then simply flies home.

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