Saturday, 4 September 2010


The Carbo criminals are at it again, using the mythical story of  the 'Man Made..' theory to, of all things fund Toll booths on roads that have already been paid for by taxpayers thousands of times over.
This time the culprit of our so-called 'Man Made pollution' situation has been shifted to put the blame on that dastardly gas Co2.
Anyone who can remember the basics of their biology lessons at school will know that Co2 is nessesary for plants to absorb to aid in the process of Photosynthesis for the production of Oxygen. They will also remember that Co2 is the vital for this production, not only is it the very stuff that keeps our planetry Flora alive, it also keeps us alive and breathing.
But backing up, if  our 'Man Made Global Blah Blah'..' pollution is the cause of Global warming then what is the cause of the Global warming that is also happening on other planets in our Solar system at the same time as our warming?
Take Mars for instance, the Polar ice caps on Mars have been receeding at a faster rate than that of Earth. How are our S.U.V's  and Farm animal farts responsible for that?
What about Jupiter and its Moons? Some of Jupiters Moons are composed of ice, and they have been melting at the same time as well. Some have even been observed cracking open to allow huge plumes of steam to escape from them, is that our fault also? Why are they also warming?*
By sheer coincidence the Sun has been steadily warming at a constant rate at the same coincidental time as ours.
 Plus, if the warming in itself wasnt bad enough we are expecting Solar storm number 23 to hit, this is supposed to be hitting us at any time, the last one to hit Earth knocked out all electricity in North America and even affected Britain through our connected Telegraph lines, although thankfully then, Electricity driven machinery usage in North America was still in its infancy and affected mostly the Telegraph stations and few other set ups that was using the then, new technology, so damage-wise there was very little harm done.
If the next Solar storm hits the Earth with the same intensity then the results could be catastrophic to say the least, and on a Global scale even (God forbid).
This new (to the U.K.) excuse to impose the 'exhalation tax' on us by funding Toll roads is not a new idea, in other countries that have followed the same model of Toll road building using once public roads, they have routinely also cut off side road exits and entries onto the Toll roads, effectivly isolating small towns, villages, farms and communities making people drive the long way round if they cant afford the Toll or are only trying to cross it doesnt sound very green, greedy maybe.
This leaves the remaining residents with only the choices of either moving out to a new home (the price value of their old homes naturally drop to almost nothing in some cases and when the land grab happens the residents will only get a portion of the new, lower, calculated worth of the isolated home) or, use the old long, winding 'B' roads that can take a person miles out of their way (as anyone whos ever been lost on our old -but a nice ride if your not in any hurry- winding, 'knotted string ball' roads can tell you).
Thirdly, 'land grabs', or the compulsary purchase of all land for miles either side of the roads have accompanied the new Toll roads in many previous cases, the U.S's Pan Texas corridor and the infamous and massive in scale Australian land grabs being the most famous examples. This turns land that was previously 'commonly held' land into an asset for later use.
The one paper who covered this potentially serious news for some reason got, out of all the people qualified to talk about the issue, a man from something called 'The Car Drivers association' or some such unmemorably named group, to talk about "how this is going to corrode our soverignity further", the dolt is obviously unaware that the Euro Parliament has had what we havent had for some time, namely soverignty over Britain and its laws.
Either he was just a reporters invention, or hes too thick know that Euro law has superseeded ours for some years now.
This added quote gave nothing at all to the story or its significance, and seemed to be there just to fill the story out, rather than give the issue an important or significant comment, like highlight the right we have to travel by road at our choosing, and its corrosion of freedom to travel at will to wherever we want, in privacy.
Let alone charging car drivers yet again just for using their cars, Toll roads would also bring up the number of taxes car drivers pay to use their cars to, what is it going to be? eight, nine taxes?
But, whats this got to do with Portobello Road or this area I hear you ask? well, Im sure that at least some of us Gnottonians will wish to leave "da area" and go somewhere by road one day, and as such this becomes a local matter by default. Thats what.
*The Solar system wide warming that has been occuring on many planets at the same time as ours can be checked up on by using officially verifiable sources, and isnt just the work of a few feverish conspiritorial minds.
NASA had info about this on their website, which is where I first learnt of it some time ago, it may still be there. Space Agency sites from other countries also carry news on the subject of our Solar systems tempratures as well.
If these people really want to save the planet why are they paying farmers huge sums every year not to grow food or farm their land while encouraging second and third world farmers to grow and become reliant on only GM crops and their pesticides and chemical soup fertilizers? Why are they encouraging the factory farming of Beef when such practices create Enviromental damage due to the concentrated chemicals in the huge amounts of Cows pooh and cleaning materials needed to keep such places in operation?As well as putting large amounts of Steroids, Anti-Biotics, Hormones and other lovelies that seep into our water tables and pollute the ground? That doesnt sound very Eco friendly to me.
Saving the Earth? what an unfunny joke.
And the well named Al 'blood and' Gore,  the hero of this so-called "debate is over" fraud is nothing more than a predatory power hungry pervert, which should come as no surprise to us.
I wonder if the poor lady that was the object of Gores 'affections' thought the debate was over for her when Gore demanded his needs were met as she was saying "no", whilst he was chasing her round the massage table with his inflamed 'Gorehood' leading the way (that wasnt a question!). An event that is reminiscent of the Italian film about the corruption and perversion that power brings, the one called 'Solon, 90 days of Sodomy'.


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ME said...

Wot you on about Tyrone? be more specific before I delete you properly because Im going to allow you to use your bollo-talk to explain yourself.