Monday, 1 November 2010


You have all heard about the supposed bomb that turned out to be an ink cartridge by now I assume, well, despite the UK security services looking into and at it, and deducing that it wasnt a bomb, Obama still went on U.S TV and spoke about this 'bomb' and how it nearly destroyed a plane! The same non bomb the UK security services said wasnt a bomb but a simple ink cartridge. The British reporting of the event changed shortly after, I heard them both on the BBC World service.
I mention this because in June this year an Obama aide was caught on tape saying that they needed "another 9-11/ Oaklahoma style event to boost Obamas plummeting ratings" (full quote at top left), then, low and behold, four days before important Congress Elections the Democrats are poised to lose, we have bombs coming out of the woodwork.

Note the 'Fasci' stick bundle, the symbol of Fascism, either side of the U.S flag behind the speaker
Another letter bomb was said to have been posted by some vague group of 'Greek Leftists' who mailed it 'Par Avion' to the Whitehouse. Now surely someone clever enough to make a mail bomb has enough common sense to know that a letter with such a famous address on it would go through so many security checks that it wouldnt probally even reach the U.S.  (what have Greek leftists got to gain by killing Obama?) Even some mainstream press is treating this story with caution, and who can blame them? as the Lawyers saying goes, "who benefits?"
As for my affiliations, I only have to look at the Fasci stick and axe bundles either side of the speaker in congress, that says it all about the countries merging of state and capital (where did that happen before, oh yeah, Italy).
Quick history lesson number 88823.6, The U.S has a long history of staging 'false flag' attacks on itself as a pretext to war, from the Boston Tea party to the Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam), the U.S.S. Liberty (Ship allowed by the US to be bombed by Israeli planes so as to blame Egypt, happily the ships Captain was able to keep the ship afloat despite several Israeli attacks over several hours and saved the heavily damaged ship by entering Turkish waters) , the first attack on the world trade center (the Bombers connection with the CIA and his handlers knowledge about the bombing details is a matter of public record),  and so on.
The commisioner of the 9/11 commision has written in his new autobiography how the official US Government explaination was very different from the reality of events, and documents the Bush administrations efforts to stop any investigation at all.
Those past false events have come out as part of their official freedom of information act (apart from the Tea party info and the Commisioners book obviously) which Im sure is the bane of every American politician, good and bad.
I like the U.S and Americans in general but they've got some right nutters holding the reins at the moment.

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