Monday, 22 November 2010


 Every Englishman's home is soon to become someone Else's temporary Castle
What has the new housing minister got between his ears? I would elaborate on my own opinion regarding that issue but young children may be reading.
Seriously though, are the ConDemned trying to be the fastest hated, most reviled people in Parliamentary history? (headless, dead and deposed kings not withstanding).
The new rules that housing minister Grunt Shatt is bringing in are total madness, two year tenancies for everyone? what the hell else has he got between his ears that doesn't smell like effluence? (oops, sorry kids).

"Its OK though for people who already have tenancies though because your rules wont change, you'll be alright still" (I may of misquoted some words from his Radio4 'verballs' this morning but that's basically what the dimwit said).
Does he seriously think that will placate people or make them feel secure or safe in their own homes? If he does, he doesn't deserve to be put in charge of a babies big-unchokable bricks, Lego home, let alone real ones with real people inside, because he obviously hadn't even factored in one minor matter, those many tenants with CHILDREN (the kids man, what about the kids?), the young ones known as 'Tomorrows future'.

Does he think people will feel happy and secure knowing that their children will no longer have the chance to get a home of their own that they could settle in? Happy that they are not allowed to any longer pass the home to their children and their new families?
Even if by some miracle they overcame the below divvy level education they are currently 'learning' in schools now, became educated and gained employment, as singles or as families whilst trying to get their first home they would still be more than likely to have to claim benefits on top of their wages just to help pay the rent, leaving them still as venerable as ever. Another result of idiotic Tory programs.
Not to mention how the ex-students would be able to pay back the outrageous nine grand tuition fee's at the same time? Even if they tried to continue to live at home with Mum and Dad they would still face daily uncertainty.
If one parent died, the family could be evicted because the remaining family would be "taking up living space another family could use", then they would be made homeless along with the other, still living, grieving family members and shoved into the not-very-Merry-go-round of Hostels, temporary homes and regular evictions. How conducive to a happy life is that eh?
Then after two years all these people will have to find new homes and go through it all again, thus costing the economy untold £millions in lost working days as people scramble around looking for somewhere new, decent and affordable to live, for 24 months only before they have to do it all again. 
Costing even more in lost work days, productivity, wages etc. A vicious circle.
The country will become one big, unhappy 'Short-life housing' scheme. One that will cause massive amounts of stress which will lead to more sick time, depression, loss of productivity, and bad health, both mental and physical, as well as lost jobs, plus higher domestic and street violence incidents.
More ill people will be signing on due to sickness, we'll see a hike in the numbers of Homelessness and even Prostitution as people scramble for ways to keep up the bi-annual deposit payments on their new homes (that are often not given back), the rent payments on their new homes, the costs of re-connecting the fuel appliances, water meters and phones etc. not too mention the ever rising  inflation crushing fuel bills.

In other words, yet more lost working hours (imagine the damage caused to small businesses as their workers are constantly taking time off to look for a home, and employers forcing workers to use that searching time as holiday leave, that will cause even more problems leading to walkouts, strikes, increased violence against bosses and fellow workers, real depression, suicides etc. (Have none of those currently in power ever read a political history book other than Mein Kampf ? read no doubt Beat-Poet style, with the pages all mixed up randomly -that's how much common sense they make).-I mention Mein Kampf only because its a dumb book, not because I'm calling them Nazis, that's too cheap a shot to take.

Another problem will be the constant coming and goings of the couldn't-care-less attitude that part time tenants will adopt, that will damage houses which they have no incentive to bother up keeping sinse they will be soon evicted anyway.
The owners themselves will also be less inclined to do major or even minor repairs if he/she knows the tenant will be gone soon, "I'll do it when the tenants leave, its easier when the house/flat is empty" they'll say, but empty homes invite Squatters, empty homes also rot due to weather extremes, or demand may get so high he/she is unable to wait, which could make landlords just re-let the home as fast as possible while hoping for the best damage wise, potentially leading to unchecked gas leaks, carbon monoxide leaks, dodgy electrics, poisonous damp and fungi, burst toilet waste pipes that seep up to ground level, all of which are already a part of some rip-off short term tenancies (it almost killed a mate who's landlord shrugged off his leak as an outside drainpipe leak or blockage, my mate was eventually rushed to hospital suffering from serious blood poisoning, almost losing both his legs due to sewage waste poisoning seeping into his flat from below).

If I can see these problems coming and I don't have mystical powers, or the same kind of so-called 'education' that cost their distant, affectionate and unloving parents a small fortune, why then can't these idiots see them also?

The Tories created this problem in the first place by selling off council homes dirt cheap to people who just wanted them for 'buy to rent' properties, taking millions of homes off the social housing 'market' in the first place, thus creating today's home shortage problems, which in turn created the unreasonable rent rises that even employed people need benefits to help pay.

The Tory criminals wont cap rent charges at sensible amounts either, despite the fact that it would force a change in the high rent, rip off, free-for-few spree that's robbing local councils of £millions annually and making fewer homes available to most.

They cant even claim that it "was the old Tory party" who caused these long running problems because they have re-employed many of the brown nosers who toadied under the yoke of the evil milk snatching Crow, plus, the 'old guard' gleefully helped to put together these new ideas.
Its still the same old Tory party, only now its fronted by some youngish dolt who wields a brow of sweat infused with Bolivia's finest, instead of an old ''Iron handbag'' wielding harridan.
The irony is that it would be so easy to reduce these arrogant cretins to grovelling heaps by everyone at the same time simply staying in bed, turning off the alarm clock and going back to sleep rather than going to work, as a rubbish Punk band once (ahem) 'sang', "Object refuse, reject abuse".
If people just bought in the odd bit of extra food for a pre-set, certain time then we need just say "no" all at once, just by sitting at home and reading a book on the Sofa, you would soon see a change in their attitude.
Threats would no doubt be issued, "Turn off our gas if you like Cameron, Ive got camping Gaz gear/ a BBQ on the balcony/ a garden to build a cooking fire in" etc. etc. but if its done on irregular occasions it will still scare the be'Jeyzus out of them.
Buy now, make them pay tomorrow! Simple, and no one need be hurt physically, apart from a few rich men with influence who'll get hurt financially, who then themselves demand reforms that won't harm their future profits.
Its fiendishly simple in fact, and works, as the Society changing effects on other countries who have done this shows.
With a bit of short term planning its really that easy. Sadly though, it won't happen and that's the problem with our modern Western lifestyle, its too selfish and shallow, which is why the scumbags will probably get their way.
The reasoning is sound though and worked for the people in Eastern Europe and other places such as India, plus it has as I said, the added bonus of being violence free, it just shouldn't be started in mid winter for the Oldies sake, just in case. Unless they're game for it of course.
Just one hour of lost trading costs the money men (greedy sods who's money we never see) £millions, how much would a day or even a week cost them? If spread over time and long enough to make them think again I don't doubt, especially if it was a known, co-ordinated, unified citizen protest it would help bring change. Being the greedy so-and-so's that they are they would have so much more to lose than us.
 Even if only a few coordinated days of  'Sofa protests' were carried out at the same times or different time periods every month it would still bite them where it hurts most and it would hurt them bad, as if bitten by a big bitey thing.

They would be begging us (in their cocksure, arrogant manner of course) to come back to them and carry on working for their 'pour up, spittle down' economics, the cost to their portfolios and ego's would be so high to them that they would practically offer their wives, mothers and children to us as sacrifice in return for our cooperation, anything but lose profits (as for what to do with their sacrificed family members? that's a conundrum, how about letting them go free to get the bus home while dressed head to foot in Primark clothes? I certainly couldn't trust them to know how to do any washing up properly, so they're no use to the Sally Army. Send 'em home on a bus dressed as cheap Chavs I say, its the only language they understand.)

Back to negotiations, these 'Sofa protests' would bite them hard economically, leaving people room to dictate reasonable terms.
This is Britain after all dear chaps, and we don't want another Tyrant like Cromwell ruling the roost whatwhat. (long may the traffic roll over his headless corpse under Hyde park corner), one crownless Tyrant was enough, banning Christmastide indeed.
Just a few regular periods of 'Sofa protests' and the buggers would start to come grovelling cap in hand to us, its us unifying they fear most after all (what do you think the Criminal Justice Act was all about? A few Ravers dancing in fields and in long empty, unused industrial estates?? seriously, wake up).
The politics may have changed but the situation remains the same. (ooh, that makes me sound like a Socialist, oops).

If that sounded Socialistic I apologise because I'm not one, if I am at all its not their kind anyway (don't get me going, I'll be on about the Fabians next, that Champagne Socialist faction who rule the Labour party roost, they themselves have published works about reducing the "useless masses" through various, murderous Eugenics techniques, while working towards their own long term "New World Order" goals. (the best way to find out what these people are really about is to just go to their own works, they are usually far more damning than their critics are)  Jaures wasn't into Eugenics as far as I know though.
Take H.G Wells, an active Fabian Socialistic himself, he famously said that "countless millions of people will die ushering in the New World Order". Nice one H.G.
They're all mad, on both of the sides of the mainstream 'left-right' paradigm, yet they're supposedly the moderate voices of their political ideologies!  At least their extreme fringe elements are honest about their wants.
Madre del Dios!!
My smelly Cat has more common sense than all of our 'coalition of the dimming' Government members put together (plus she's nicer and prettier, stinky or not).

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