Friday, 12 November 2010


Looking at the pictures of the student riot in today's paper I was reminded of the photos plastered all over the papers of a masked 'Anarchist' at the G20 who was idly smashing up a bank window without a care in the world (apart from Global inequality of course) while surrounded by loads of photo Journalists, I always wondered how so many photographers were able to be on the scene at the right time yet there were no Police present to stop him, despite the heavy Police presence everywhere else at the demonstration, I was also reminded of certain events I witnessed at that G20 protest when it reached Hyde Park.
For the main March's end a stage had been built for the speakers in Hyde park, being ill I had missed the march and just went to Hyde park to see what was happening, while there I tired of being so far back in the crowd I couldn't hear the speakers, and so, bored I decided to go over the Speakers corner and listen to the Anarchists speaking (where no one was wearing a mask).
While listening to a speaker (they are usually more amusing than the main speakers) I noticed a tall man in a mask run up to the area where people had gathered to listen and watched him as he threw a number of small black bags at our feet before running off again, this time I watched him run towards the Police line.
Almost everyone there had also seen this man drop the bags and run off, the initial reaction from some was a panicked "don't touch the bags" but I picked one up to see what was inside.
Inside was a rubbish, cheap catapult, all the bags had one inside, but instead of just leaving them at our feet where we could conceivably be accused of dropping them, to avoid this I collected them up and walked over to the Police line where I had seen the mysterious man run to and at the point where the line had parted to allow him through, I approached one of the officers andvery politely  told them that the man who had just passed through their line had dropped the bags I was carrying in his haste, and that I wished to return his dropped property to him.
I was met by silent, open mouths and an officer meekly took the catapults from me. I thanked the officer and walked back to hear the speakers.
These 'agent provocateurs' do honest Policemen a large disservice, and put their honest comrades in the way of more harm.
As for these so-called 'Anarchists' dressed in designer sports wear and expensive labelled hooded tops (not the usual attire for the average discerning Anarchist) they're so obviously not really Anarchists, they stick out in so many ways)
It is so easy to discredit any protest nowadays by saying that it has been infiltrated by Anarchists in exactly the same way that they used to say Soviet influences caused trouble at protests during the cold war.
The term Anarchist has also replaced the lazy catch-all term 'Skinhead' to mean a thug now that Skinheads are as rare as silver Shillings.

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