Thursday, 24 February 2011


One last thing about our glorious waxy faced 'leader' giving large amounts of fierce to the Arabs about the wonders of Democracy is the cloying fug of utter ironic hypocrisy that fills the either whenever our Bullingdon boy smatters verbal platitudes about 'free and fair Elections' blah blah etc. etc. I say this because our 'free and fair' tits'n'bums obsessed media have conveniently forgotten that we are currently being lorded over by two very unelected, yet undemocratically selected leaders.
Neither Cameron or Gimp-Clegg were voted in, or given their jobs using any form of Democratic process. The same can be said of Gordon Brown, he was given his job by Blair in a manner that was not in any way any more  Democratic than the way that John Major was selected for his nation leading job (granted he was later elected but that doesn't detract from his original undemocratic appointment).
When we include the unholy union that holds the reins of power at the moment and then add them to our past leaders, it means that we have been ruled over by no less than four undemocratically elected leaders in just twenty odd years.
All of whom have incidentally, ignored the peoples Democratic voice more than once in nationally important issues (like entering into ruinous, 'illegal' wars against countries for no reason, apart from the military/corporate interests of course).
Thus making us targets for terrorists in the process, further justifying the countries involvement in the wars and the so-called 'war on terror', and the tax payers financial commitment to funding them all.
With the joint military and industrial 'complex' being the only winners, as in most wars (guns, bullets, tanks and missiles arent cheap you know).

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