Saturday, 19 February 2011


I've been without an internet connection for some weeks so have missed being able to give my squiffy version of the mad events that I've seen locally and the world (which isn't a bad thing I spose) so I've had to rely on the hoary old media beasts of tradition and what a surprise it was.
I didn't realise how used to getting my news from so many varied sources I had become, until I only had the TV and newspapers for information did I see how very far our media was from being as 'free and open' as they claim.
There were the same stories making the same conclusions, using the same images in many papers regularly and one large 'trick' that I saw in many stories in varied papers was the 'double meaning' one. I read many articles claiming to be about one issue that were in reality about an unconnected issue, brought together to give one issue a previously unseen dangerous importance by association to create news, the dishonesty was so blatant I was surprised I had never noticed it when I did look at our traditional media regularly.
Mind you, 99% of our media is sourced from either AP or Reuters and they are owned by the same people, but even then, the amount of varied news they release daily is massive compared to what is ignored so that the papers have room for some Helen Mirren in a bikini or Jordon half naked and pissed photos.
Im glad I have the opportunity to get my news from varied sources again (why does news gain in importance as one gets to see the wrong side of (ahem) thirty?)

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