Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Every cloud does have a sliver of silver in its lining after all because it was announced in the papers this week that Jade Jagger has sold her Kensal Rise flat, HOORAAY!!!!!
I know she isn't skint so taking the reported £125.000 less than the original asking price wasn't an issue to her, but why the rush to sell?
Has MS Jagger tired of playing the 'Cockerney chirrup' and decided to move to the next fashionable location, one not full of Chavvy Council, Co-op and Social housing tenants? And what of that 'shop' of hers (JJ's) in All Saints Road, the one that doesn't look like it actually sells anything and appears more like a posh Victorian Opium den shaken and mixed up with a new moneyed Russian's downstairs toilet, will that go as well?
Are we seeing a slow Exodus of those who had come to our fair streets in the self interest of living in a cool area but have found a new promised land? The list of 'names' who have sold up and moved away is becoming quite big after all.
Is selling up the Notting Hill flat becoming a fashion statement in itself? and are some other poor souls going to be invaded by the selfish, spoilt adult brats who want to be seen as 'keeping it real' (but only on their own terms)? Or, are they headed like Sheep for the same Cream Tea on the Village green area that the Cameron's moved away to?
If it is happening, then I'm not going to miss the arrogant well spoken types who stand outside certain local Pubs screaming loudly into their mobiles at their Coke dealers to "get a fu****g move on", that's for sure.
I know I'm stereotyping, but to be fair a few people have moved here and tried.

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