The activities of the odious neo-Nazi toads who targeted the unfinished Mosque in Harrow last night should be enough to answer BNP leader 'Neo-Nick' Griffins weak willed 'Democratic free speech' appeasers.
Neo-Nazis have called for this weekend to be "a weekend of violence", against of course, the enemies of Europe's self appointed, brave, heroic, Fascistic defenders. That presumably means...well, most of us I suppose.
Photo, one of the many classically handsome, athletically built, pure Aryan, Neo-Nastie supermen who attended a recent rally of the faithful.
Last weekend a London Synagogue was attacked, all throughout this week violence, ranging from letter bombs to serious physical attacks have occurred across Britain and most of Europe, chillingly, Fascist parties and groups across Europe have supposedly, already picked the targets for their weekend jollies.
It goes without saying that this area along with ones such as Brixton and Brick lane are targets for the British wing of these toads, and it won't be the first time as we know.
The last thing I ever wanted to do was turn this blurg into a political one, but with places around us being targeted and attacked it's only a matter of time before Portobello/Notting Hill gets it.
Lets hope the "weekend of violence" doesn't reach us, be it in the forms of nail bombs, or an eruption of violence in certain places, to attacking people going home from prayers. As have happened all over Britain and Europe this week.
It may sound over the top asking people to watch out for unattended packages and bags, but there is a good reason to think about it this weekend.
Have a good night out though.
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