..."Should the BMP be allowed on TV? what do you think? vote in our soaraway poll and have your say" ( all landline calls 25p, mobile charges may vary according to the role of a dice.)
And so on and so on.
Ive heard and read those words quite a few times over the past week or so, more times than I care to recall.
I cannot believe that our media, right along with the Red Topped 'news' rags are having this shallow debate, even if it is just to use up space on the page or fill up air time on radio with something 'controversial', they shouldn't be doing it, its a f****** insult to all of us alive now, to the tens of millions who died between '33 and '45 because of them, and to the millions of victims who lived on, forever scared by the evils that the Nazi's and their Fascist mates unleashed upon them, in our case we have the Heir apparent to Oswald Mosley and his National union of Fascists, or whatever pompous name they obliged themselves to use.
Yet weak, wishy washy and wet, hand wringing 'liberals' are saying, arguing even, that these happily and openly self appointed heirs to the political Thrones and social Crowns of Mosley, Mussolini, Horthy, Hitler etc. etc. should be free to air their poison on a popular TV show because its "democratic", we know the BNP's view on that. We know all that they want, as well as how they are prepared to get it, so what is there to discuss with them? Nothing.
Ironically, these weak, damp wristed people would be among the first to be 're-educated' in the new political punishment prisons if the worst ever came to pass.
This is nothing more, nothing less than appeasement, and look where that got us last time. Didn't enough die for these drips to get the message that you cannot talk these Neo-fascists out of behaving the way they do? There is nothing that can be gained from appeasement now.
They are not just 'naughty children' who need some play time to let off steam, and its time to stop treating them as such, time we thought of them in their real light, as human looking monsters capable of, and yearning for much evil.
They now have a voice in the Euro parliament, and are at this moment engaged in forming, or trying to form the Euro parliament's first Fascist bloc.
Griffin should not be given airtime, he should be given Prison time!
I thought I would ask this question to someone who lived through the war against the Fascists/Nazi's, so I asked my Granny. She is in a better situation to answer that question than many for me so I asked her, "should the leader of the British Fascist party be allowed to get airtime on British TV alongside pundits, M.P's. and such like? She thought for a moment, and then said softly "no".
Being a personal witness to, and target of the bombardment/Blitzkrieg of London, and someone who lost friends and family members as regularly as anyone else who lived in London throughout the duration, I thought that she was just as qualified as most of these young('ish') media types to say whether or not a Fascist leader should be allowed airtime on TV with the same political parties who once united to fight the Fascist leaders political and social forebears.
To her, Nick Griffin is just another cheap, but new, Oswald Moseley copyist. She thought about the pain caused to her personally by the war, she lost her first fiancée/childhood sweet heart to a U-Boat on the Atlantic convoys, and she later married a man who had been unable to enlist when caught and deafened in the bombing of Coventry (it pleased him no end that he got away from the front line violence of D-Day and beyond, and in a completely honest and legal manner, but he did do hard, manual, 'essential war work', labouring for the duration, so he didn't get off that easily).
We know what these people want to do to our world, and what they have done trying. Why let any man who considers himself a self appointed Heir to those perpetrators on TV? so he can advertise his 'cause'? A cause that almost destroyed Europe and the East, and was responsible for the murder of so, so many people of all ages, and from Eurasia's many different cultures, all because they 'didn't fit' the ideal. They still think like that.

These Neo-fascists are our enemies just as their ascendants were our departed relatives enemy, and without a doubt they should always remain so. Our present world situation was in part shaped by that time, I just don't think that now, at a time of hardship for many, that the BNP's Nick Griffin, in the shape of a new, petty, two-Bob, TV friendly 'Lord Haw Haw' should be allowed airtime to spout his vulgar dung.
"...If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send the Limo's out anyway..."
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