At last 'mother' Mary Seacole has received the recognition she has for so long deserved as the real 'beloved' healer and original forces sweetheart during the Crimean war, in the shape of a statue of her by one Richard Jennings.
While Mary Nightingale was miles away from the battles sealed in her rotten buildings, piling the dirty, bleeding shit covered soldiers into tight rows on the floor, almost shoulder to shoulder, 'Mother' Seacole went on with the business of building her "British Hotel" as she called it near the front line, where the injured soldiers were quickly treated, wounds washed, given a bed and a bowl of Chicken soup, their wounds were then tended by Mrs. Seacole. And as the bodies piled up at Ms. Nightingales 'place', the recovering soldiers at the British hotel were enjoying a tot of Rum and a game of cards as they healed.
Without retelling the whole story which would take pages, I can say that she was voted "Britains greatest ever black person" a few years ago.
She was born in Jamaica to a free Black woman and a Scottish Sailor, and in time took over her mothers 'Hotel' in Kingston where her healing skills became as well known as her hospitality, till one day when she decided to help the wounded of the Crimea. After travelling to London to apply, her offers of help were refused four times. So she went alone and set up the 'British Hotel', just a short walk from the British armies front line, and where she often wondered about during battles tending to the wounded, cries of "look out mother" became a common call on the battlefield. During her time in the Crimea she saved so many lives that she became well respected and loved, this is when she earned the nickname "Mother -Seacole" from the British soldiers.
After the war, upon hearing that the wars end had, ironically, ruined her financially, some Crimean vets got together and held a three day charity event for her in a park. it culminated with Mrs Seacole being carried in to the party on a throne while the crowd cheered her name. Old queen 'Vic' even awarded her with special Crimea medals and she became a much loved Victorian celebrity in her day.
Due in part to the sickly and bitter Mary nightingale, who finally stopped pathetically weeping long enough to get out of bed, sit at her writing desk and, with her pen as her blade, began smoting and smiting out lies about Mrs. Seacole that helped the beginning of Mrs Seacoles relegation into obscurity.
Her decline as a star also coincided with the rise in the new Darwinian influenced, racial/racist thinking that had begun to infect the 'intellectuals' of Europe, and along with those 'with influence', from them, it went to the popular before being followed by the vulgar. Very soon after Queen Victoria's death Mrs. Seacoles name and reputation became forgotten, if not hidden because of some phrenologists 'scientific' or professional embarrassment I shouldn't wonder.
Thanks though to the west Indian nurses who have returned her memory to its rightful place, she is at last recognised as one of Britains 'Greatest ever' people', and her memorial is still attended by the military every year, and as I said earlier, she has at last received a fitting statue.
Mary seacole is buried in the Harrow Road Roman Catholic Cemetery, a new headstone was unveiled a few years ago at a special ceremony (our little one was co-wreath layer with the boss lady of the west Indian nurses assc. or something like that, I'm sorry but I can't remember the exact name, and she had flown in from Jamaica especially! sorry).
I urge everyone to read up about this really tough, fascinating woman who, through the pages you read, you feel you get to know, like and respect. She was right up there with the best of the 'plucky Victorian heroes' who helped to shape Britain and its world, she is one of its good shapes.
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