Saturday, 21 November 2009


The sad deaths of Azra Podrug and Zorana Stancic, two carnival goers killed last year by mini bus driver Collette Wilson, who crashed while driving her mini bus back to Brixton as she "fell into a micro-sleep" after getting as little as ten hours sleep over the whole weekend while driving for the band was a tragedy for all involved, without a doubt.
Ms Wilson had been going back and forth to Brixton with a Steel band all weekend and it was during a journey back to Brixton with the band that the accident happened, as well as the two people who died when the mini bus mounted the kerb, the accident also left three other people with injuries.
So, why is it that the very next year the carnival has a new, and stunningly earlier starting time imposed upon it? Having such an early new start could obviously and potentially deprive certain carnival drivers of many extra hours of badly needed sleep.
This goes especially for the drivers of the floats, who now have to get up anything up to five hours earlier, especially on the children's day when the little ones need an extra helping hand with their costumes.
Once a float could take its time and leave at anything from eleven a.m to one thirty p.m, giving drivers a chance to grab an extra few hours of (sometimes badly) needed kip, now that is not possible, now we have a potential situation where this tragedy could happen again (and again), all because of nonsensical and supremely idiotic rules imposed upon the carnival. Rules imposed by people who it seems, have no interest in any future successes, or continuation even, for the carnival.
Ms Wilson has the deaths of two people to think about as she does a five year stretch at her majesties pleasure, and if this new starting time is not relaxed she may well be joined by others who were in the same position. God forbid.
The accident must have (and should have) occurred to at least one person involved in the utterly mental decision to change the starting time to a staggering nine a.m, it should've been factored into the considerations of the new starting time (but obviously wasn't). Why was the new starting time still forced upon the carnival? Where was the common sense? was there any? if so, where was it?
The 'nine a.m start time' says there wasn't a drop of any common sense in the house. It just goes to show how little brains there are in some of the heads of the carnival Junta.

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