Sunday, 29 November 2009


As this photo that I took the liberty of freeing from a news site shows, a big bugger of a Rat with the munchies caused quite a stir when it decided to take a stroll around the KFC in Newquay, Cornwall looking for some food.

 What are they moaning about? it wasn't that long ago that KFC were in the media on a regular basis when they were found to be coating all sorts of animals with their 'secret' eleven herbs and spices and selling it on as 'chicken's', even Rat anus' were found to be ingredients featured in their meals (but like the special recipe, their inclusion was kept secret).
 I mention this episode in Cornwall because it reminds me of the KFC that used to be situated opposite Tesco on Portobello road and an unpleasant experience I had there.
At the time the Portobello KFC was one of the only late opening 'eateries' (I use the term loosely) that was open after eight o'clock pm, apart from the chip shop of course, but the KFC stayed open even later than them, so could sometimes be the only place to go for food.
I once went there with a mate for some munchies, he had the usual chicken and chips while I went for the baked Potato, beans and coleslaw, getting back to my mates place on Lancaster road, we sat down to eat and, as I cut the spud in half I was revolted to see that it was so gray it was almost black, I was having a famine flashback I thought. My mate (who was until then happily, munching greasily away at his meaty herbs and spices till he saw it) said, -after he had stopped gagging, that we had to go back and complain, I was more pragmatic though and was happy to just sling it in the bin and never go back again, but back to KFC we went, "look, it's almost black, it must be a month old at least" we said to the man at the counter "we want to change it for a new one" we followed on with, and not unreasonably.
Yet to our utter amazement the KFC man insisted that the spud was fine and perfectly edible, we were gob-smacked, it was in my hand, held out before him and it's grayish black coloured spud was openly visible,  my mate then had a flash of genius "well, eat some of it yourself then, we haven't touched it" he challenged, I was given a new spud within a minute.
Back at my mates place, I again sat down and cut my 'new' spud open, and again it was 'blighted', and dark gray and black inside. "That's it, I'm going back to get my money back" said I, my resolve stiffened by witnessing this double murder of such a wonderful food stuff, I bet that they were once proud Potatoes, glad to be eaten, but now, it must of hurt those spuds to see my rejection at their reason for being. Reduced to rotten husks, Potatoes deserve better.
I was getting grumpy because I was not only starving by now, I was having to go to KFC in relays for the sake of a single Potato. Once we got there, surprise surprise the counter man was reluctant to refund my cash, thankfully my mate had another flash of genius and said "o.k. then, we'll keep the Potato and take it to health and safety tomorrow and they can tell us how old it is" (neither of us had the slightest idea how to go about doing that but it was a good bluff for the time), at this I was reluctantly handed back my seventy five pee (big bucks!) and as he gave me back the money, I thought I saw what looked like a wince of pain.
Needless to say I never went back, nor did my mate, and surprise surprise, it was closed down not long after. Later the building became the squatted home of  'avin it' Teckno duo 'Persons unknown', mainstays of 'Underground' Tekno parties like those held by the likes of Spiral Tribe and others, who's parties they were regular performers at.

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