Thursday, 8 April 2010


I've just heard that Malcolm McLaren has turned his boots skyward after cancer took him aged sixty four, that isn't an old age for being old.
I was in one of his video's once in about 1982/3, it was the first video made in the U.K. to feature Hip Hop 'dancing' (as they called it). The video, for a single called Soweto was filmed under the then newly erected tent in Portobello market on a saturday morning, which I didn't think was the best idea in the world, I thought me and the others would maybe get some stick for the then novel way we were supposed to dance but I didn't expect to be pelted with food as well as receiving non stop heckling, young local kids were having a field day chucking fruit at us while we desperatly tried to do our best attempting the difficult 'Hip Hop' dance moves that we had been taught only half an hour before filming started, while doing our best not to burst out laughing (as well as fighting the urge to run away through sheer embarressment).
I have to admit that being a young punk rocker I was a little bit in awe of him when the day began, by the end of the day my opinion of him had changed, mainly because he managed to ponce most of my megre pack of ten fags, and he drank all my mates tea after asking for a sip then walking away with the cup only to hand it back empty!
Despite the liberties 'Malky walky' took and the yoot lobbing oranges and tomatoes at us it was a fun day and we had a right good laugh, plus I was in a video dancing Hippity Hop as an official 'McLarenette' (I still have the 'McLarenette' t-shirt we were all given to wear for the video). Me, one of the first British people to do so in a British made and set music video, shame it was only made for use on the saturday morning Tiswaz replacement programme called 'The Saturday show''.

Having said that, I will be raising a can for Malcolm tonight (and it's given me an excuse to put this Sex Pistols video clip up which also features Malcolm getting arrested in fine punk style).

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