Saturday, 8 May 2010


The news announced that even more Estates are to be pulled down to make way for new homes to be built (mostly sold off on the open market by the 'social landlords)' who will only use the legal minimum of new homes for social housing required by law to rehome the tenents who are already there. I am starting to worry, I know that the only thing protecting me is the listed status of the front of my house and that hasn't stopped builders before.
Round here there are four Estates up for the chop, residents in all four Estates are opposing the destruction of their homes because theynot only like their homes but also know that they will not be rehoused round here and dispersed to where ever they can be housed, the Estates earmarked for the builders ball are Trellick, Wornington, Colville and Westbourne Green.
I can't see how this will help the homeless problem, taking all those homes out of circulation and building fewer that will be sold only isn't sensible I think, and I have no doubt that people will be moved to places that the welcoming local councils can't let to knowing locals.
The Estates round here are not the only ones, oh no. Hammersmith residents are also suffering the same potential fate, that this has become a problem was highlighted by (ironically) the Westminster Tories who said they would give residents a say in the proposed destruction of their Estates in their election manifesto. None of the other parties highlighted this worry (the irony just bitch slapped me hard).

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