Thursday, 6 May 2010


One of the funniest thing to happen during the whole election campaign was when the blue and red parties cynically brought out their 'Secret election super weapons' or, their wives to you and me. Both Cameron and Brown paraded their dutiful spouses around and the papers gleefully responded, using photos of them glammed up (in what must be the cheapest election stunt I've ever known) and shining, Camerons wifes pregnancy was supposedly going to be a potential Tory vote winner, as was mrs Broons rock like loyalty to her tirelessly toiling husband.
 Yet after only a few days of the two secret weapons being used on (against?) the public the wife of Liberal Clegg was wheeled out by the media, much to the horror of the two other party propagandists. Newspapers had printed photos of the wives as if their 'glamour' were important and was going to effect policy, one in particular (while trying to score the Tory party some points) showed the three next to each other, the photo of mrs Clegg was of her just wearing day to day easy clothes, while the other two wives were shown in more 'stateslady-like' clothes, dolled up to the nines. Yet the publics  reaction to this was that mrs Clegg looked more attractive and prettier than the other two  'weapons'. Not long after that, the other two weapons were put back in their boxes and the idea of wifey-super weapons as election assets was quietly toned down by the two parties tabloid supporters.
In the end the same papers stooped to hinting that we shouldn't vote Lib-Dem because mrs Clegg was not to be trusted and is 'not one of us dontcha know', a foreigners daughter no less.
Jade Jaggers attempt at politicking was just as amusing.

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