"EAT MY S**T. DO IT, NOWWW!!!!!"

The film, about the corruption of power is set in 1944 Northern Italy, and uses the Marquee De Sade's nasty writings as its plots basis (its not an easy film to watch the whole way through, believe me).
The film, which is meant to represent the world in microcosm struck me as being somewhat (by that I mean 'very'!) similar to what is happening now in this 'fair' old Isle of ours, and just like the films four main upper class Establishment 'Libertines' who wield their abusive power with gusto just because they can -while indulging in obscene, torturous acts, our new rulers are treating us the same way, although rhetorically of course, I hope.
It really is time that we had some real, honestly Independent, really Democratic Politicians in control of this country, instead of just another clique of compliant Gimps (and their Media servants) who are owned by the Elitist and Financial swindlers (who are just two of many on this many headed Hydra), who really run our country, which is why it was so easy to commit such mammoth fraud and get rewarded with £Billions of tax payers money for doing it.
As their monsterous, stated long term aim of "de-Industrialising the West" carries on rumbling along unabated in its enthusiasm, the Euro autocrats proposed imposition of a European wide citizen tax on every European citizen, is looking more likely to be imposed.
With all this happening the term 'Peseant' will be becoming more relevant to us all in the near future Im sure, I just hope those Peasants are, or will be Revolting ones.
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