Tuesday, 19 October 2010


What was going on in the minds of those responsible for the new look Tesco 'Metro' on Portobello road? I can only imagine that the designers were abusing Horse tranquilisers when they were drawing up the plans because it is UGLY UGLY UGLY! and badly thought out, plus that bloke by the doorway openly staring at the customers on his CCTVscreens is creepy and just a bit sinister feeling, like some subtly implied accusation and a show of mistrust regarding their customers honesty.
Not only that, the designers have changed the shop from a Supermarket into a road side garage set up, even though it isnt on or anywhere near a motorway.
They have also limited the range of stock and choice even further, yet they have extended their fruit and veg section (why extend the fruit and veg section only, when the shop is in a street market surrounded by fruit and veg stalls, and despite it being the only Supermarket round here? -questionable. Ive heard Sainsburys described as being located ''up there'' more than once, as if its lots of miles away even though its distance is less than one).
Why? Is this some kind of business version of self harming coupled with an attack on the Independent small business that surround it?
Personally Im glad, because Tesco have forced me to go elsewhere for products they no longer have on their shelves, ones that are of a better quality as well. I have to admit to getting occasional shoppers laziness as well so its been a good kick up the shopping bum. But with luck Tesco's new look shop will hopefully do the same to others as it did to me and boost sales for small local businesses.
Its also so pointlessly bright inside, and the poor staff that I have talked to seem to think that the advent of self service tills is good for them because they wont have to work tills themselves as much anymore, the fact that automatic tills also mean laying off staff hasnt occured to those I spoke to, Im sure management told the staff that no lay-offs will come because of them, but a reason to 'downsize' the staff will pop up soon no doubt some time after Christmas, the lay offs wont come straight away, thats too obvious. If they did there could be wide spread staff troubles in all Tesco branches where auto tills are installed, but give it a year, or once the auto till drive is finished and the shop (along with all others with auto tills) will have less staff sinse they will no longer be needed.
Its a bad business all round as far as Tesco is concerned but I hope it helps the local small shops and stalls.
When I have to shop in Tesco (or other supermarkets) I wont use those auto tills because they replace real people and kill jobs, I dont wish to put people out of work just because it saves me five or ten minutes of time spent queueing. I hope people dont use them, but Im realistic about this nations moral fortitude, so dont have much hope there.

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