Monday, 28 February 2011


Whats happened to Gaddafi's face lately? what made it take on the appearance similar to the Elephant man who's just had his upper row of teeth removed, while suffering an allergic reaction to facial Botox injections? To say he looks like he's visited an American hotel room to have illicit Silicone injections an is an understatement, worse, his arse seems to have been mistaken for his face. Which only goes to highlight the dangers of unlicensed crap being pumped into your body.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out what many must already thinking. And that thought is "how dare Gaddafi use the British made and sold, anti riot equipment (including large vans with a plough like blade on front for parting protesters at speed) on his own citizens?" What on Earth does he think he's doing? Doesn't he know that those weapons were only sold to him for show, as modern art? Their mass killing ability wasn't meant to be used, oh no no.
How is this bad business going to look abroad to those countries we are busy trying to destabilise? Tut tut.
It looks like we may have to miss a turn in the great game.

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