Monday, 7 March 2011


With the middle East/Arab countries being in the grip of political unrest, people are naturally scared, they don't know if the Revolutionary bug has infected their loved ones, potentially turning them into either Martyrs for the cause, or sitting sullenly in the back of a Police van wondering what Mums going to say when he gets home, as long as the brutally vicious stare on the guards face is only that.
Further up the food chain, the comparatively few people with lots to lose from political Independence or reforms, are greatly fearing that the U.S may be losing its grip on its well paid puppets, especially now that everyone is waking to the reality of the $ becoming worth less than the paper its printed on.
One group who are especially scared are the legions of paid state sadists who happily carried out torture methods on prisoners just for fun, they're worrying that without back-up with weapons, any family members of their still living enemies might track them down and take out some morally justified action on them (say no more).
So, with those hilarious thoughts in mind I think its only fair that we add a humorous cartoon to end with.

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