Sunday, 27 March 2011


Being on the march yesterday I became interested in the rumours of "Anarchists smashing up Regents street" so I went to have a look and, SAVE US!!! some Newspapers were alight in a very small fire in the middle of the Oxford St and Regent St junction and the 'Anarchists' causing the chaos were Hari Krishna's having a bongo dance/chant, all around were Police standing against walls looking bored, not like they were about to take on a rabble, they seemed more interested in when the Tea was coming.
Yet when I got home I saw the BBC news providing us with their Helicoptor 'NewsCam' of the same scene, filmed from half a mile above, the dancing Krishna's and the Hippies who jumped along with them were the 'Anarchists' who were causing all the trouble, and the small pile of  flyers, paper banners and Socialist Worker Newspapers looked much bigger through the 1/2 mile zoom lense than it actually was.
Yet when I did see someone smashing a window the only interested people were twenty odd photographers, while Police were just standing by, arms folded and again, obviously bored. This was not the angry riot Police we see in action, it appeared more like they were standing about, being told to just guard the organised Press spectacle in case some Demonstraters tried to stop the window smashers (as I've seen on more than one occasion) and ruined the 'All Protesters are trouble' photo opp.
In my opinion the Governments propaganda machine is old, wooden and not running very well (letting the Students run riot in the Tory ffices didn't do them any good but they still keep using the same tactics, comes from them being conservative in nature I 'spose, scared of trying anything new.
It was a good happy day and the West End saw no more violence than it sees regularly when Football fans clash at weekends (Ive seen them at 'it' and whoo! scary).
Previously, at Hyde park I was forced to heckle Milliband though, he was given his job by the very people who allowed the theft and fraud (sorry, 'downturn') in the first place, what was that hypocrite doing there? Do people still believe there is any difference between them and the Tories apart from the speed the cuts would of come in? I would like to doubt it but people will believe the crap that the UK media says.
Where there were any mentions of actually dealing with the financial system that created the problem from Moribund or any of the other speakers? No. Nor was there any mention of the fact that laws were changed (that were put in place so this didn't happen) to allow this giant 'bust' to happen, or that those responsible had 25% wealth increases while the 'average' persons personal wealth dropped by 23% at the same time (the FT and other financial acolyte media can be interesting reads, the gloating is stunning).
The system of boom and bust is still in place and we will go through all this again in a decade or two and the wealth of the west will be transfered into the hands of the same few who have profitted from every other 'bust'.
It will all happen again, we will have our bust, go boom, become comfortable and apathetic and then another  bust will come again, as we've been doing for one hundred years now, not even a mention of that from the main speakers.
Have none of them any memory or ability to understand histories lessons? I'll answer that for them. Not a chance, either that or they have taken on the darker aspects in the hunt for personal glory.

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