Tuesday, 5 April 2011


If banning charities from providing soup kitchens for homeless people werent bad enough as it is, the council is proposing to actually ban and even criminalise homeless people.
This news is staggering, but the council has been acting as a law unto itself for years anyway, Shirley Porter may not hold the reins of power anymore but her legacy is still hanging in the air like the stench of the overflowing sewer drains that stink out many parts of the borough.
Information on this evil can be found through the Westminster Green party.
The thought of algamating RBKC with them (and Hammersmith) sounded bad enough as it was but it now feels like we are about to start living through a waking nightmare.
Being homeless making a person a criminal? Utter madness. The real criminals are the ones who use our most vunerable people as punch bags, with the vicious Coalitions insane, dimly thought out programs of cuts (often to the most needy charities and community groups, while at the same time giving Ballet theatres grant raises) starting to get into full swing, the number of homeless is going to grow, what will happen to them? can our prisons cope with all those evil homeless people? Or do they expect the homeless to pay fines for not having a roof over their heads?
Is this the first blatently open round in what Boris Johnson called "the Kosovo style cleansing of London"? They have after all been moving people on social housing such as single mothers, working class men and 'immigrants' (including their children born here) out of London for over two years now, creating new tensions in towns with already large unemployment numbers, I think they call that 'divide and conquor' tactics, what was called 'The great game' in Victorian times.

First they came for the single mothers but I wasn't a single mother so I didn't speak out, then they came for the homeless but Im not homeless... Yet I am speaking out before they get round to me so that at least I can stand and be counted instead of being known as an appeaser.
(Apologies and thanks to Martin Neimeyer for savaging his wonderfully spot on poem)

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