Friday, 24 February 2012


Ive not been around to post for a while so my output is a little Spartan of late as you can see, and Im sure you've been missing me Im sure.
Anyway, one of the things that gave me to kick up the bum that I needed to get this up again after its holiday faster than I would of done so normally was me having a G***LE around the IneterWeb and seeing some sites the other day when by sheer accident I had found myself on a page with a list of more than just the one 'Portobello Blog', well, its an obvious name really.
"ay ay" says I, "looks like someone else has pilfered 'my' name" (sarcasm laced), so I logged on to this Blog and sure enough there it was in the banner line 'PORTOBELLO BLOG' in big letters, "ooh, I wonder what kind of content this will contain?" I wondered, two minutes later I was wondering why the Blogger had bothered. I could not see a single new or interesting article about Notting Hill and apart from that I think that I was also supposed to get the impression that there are no CochRoach or Mice ridden Houses and Estates, or that there are large areas of deprivation in Notting Hill, let alone even a mere mention of the areas overwhelming number of Social (Council/Housing Trust/Co.Op. etc) Housing, which is also ignored in favour of following the style championed by the plethora of Front door blocking come-and-go free 'magazines' that have become the bane of every resisent..
 'Magazines' who dress themselves with images of glamerous front covers and promises of interviews and articles about 'happening young things' who live in the promised land of 'Notting Village', and what coloured curtains famous local residents are going for this season.
Not forgetting of course the nice Restuarant review (in return for that free meal no doubt), and the rest is just nicely dressed adverts, like the whole thing really.
This is the impression I got from looking at the new Blog to take the name, without wishing the Blogger any harm or distress I think its only fair to say that I have the right to criticize (errm..piss-take). Thats not to say I feel any slight has been done, not at all, both Blogs have so little in common that I think theres room for both of them with the same-ish name, as long as the other Blogger doesnt get too big for his boots and starts claiming the name as his own (mind you he/she is welcome to the name 'my'-PORTOBELLO-BLOG, the 'my' bit isnt really my style, or even mine at all come to think of it.

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