Friday, 16 March 2012


The Housing  Corporation known as GENESIS, the one more commonly known to many as 'The all-devouring Housing Behemoth' (the nice version!) has (if the Mainstream Media are anything to go by) gotten its monstrous wrist tapped in the Courts for the tiny part the 'Born Again' (but from what, into what??) named Housing Group has been playing in what ole' Bozzo Johnson famously called the "Kosovo style Social cleansing of London".

  From what can be gathered, the Housing Beast has been told off for the sadly H.Group wide policy of Evicting short and long standing Tenants, then selling off their premises at cheap prices on the Private Market, (ignoring those who were supposed to be waiting on the list for those sold Houses).
 It seems that, at a time when the lack of affordable Homes as well as easily available ones, are far from being available for current needs let alone the future, selling off Homes mean't for people on waiting lists and those in genuine need isn't going down well.
 Well, not now that the so-far unstoppable policy has become so blatant that it can't be carried on subtly anymore

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