Sunday, 18 March 2012


The usual troop of Army horses that I have watched trot through the area since I was a small child are now gone, I never thought I'd miss something as 'normal' as a troop of Army horses pulling 10lb Guns  towards Wormwood Scrubs then back a time later with mud on their legs, I remember how their passing would stop our School playtimes dead as the kids stared and "cor"-ed as they passed.
Now, what I'm wondering is what is going to happen to the now 'unused' (except by thousands of locals) Wormwood Scrubs? The 'Scrubs' is on M.O.D land and, as has been reported throughout the Media, the M.O.D have been selling off their family Silver at an alarming rate over the past couple of years, and I ask -will we be seeing the loss of that open land as well? The only really open land we have round here.
I could think of some good ideas what to do with it while keeping it as open land as could many cleverer people than I, of that I'm sure, but will any of those 'more intelligent' voices be listened to, or will the land be sold off to Developers as I suspect?
If (when) the land is sold to Developers as I naturally assume then the people living on its edge along with the School and its Pupils on Du Cane road will be the next poor unfortunates to have the swinging Demolition ball of Damocles swishing over their collective lives.
I foresee a 'Save our Scrubs' campaign coming.......
Sadly, judging by what I know of the M.O.D's behaviour towards the people who live around the Scrubs it won't be a happy outcome for the people.

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