I never trusted 'New' Labour, old Labour were rubbish but at least you knew where you were with them, this lot though -never.
As well as the lies there has been the arrogance, and the clueless laws they throw out without first thinking through. Now, someone has been arrested for babysitting.
This babysitter though wasn't some abusive inbreed from the Suttons estate (ooh, local dig) or an abusive nonce, this babysitter was a Policewoman who was taking it in turns with another Policewoman to look after each others babies, the Policewoman was arrested because she was going to "gain" from babysitting by having her baby sat in return when she went to work.
What in the buggeration of Earth is going on here?
It is now illegal to hand your child to a babysitter you know and trust if it is over two hours, or you pay the baby sitter anything. What next? Are we going to have a bit of palace intrigue before Nick Griffin is installed as chancellor?
Seriously though, only 'registered' childminders are legally allowed to be babysitters it seems, ones trained in the ways of U.K.PLC. only.
Our parents signed our birth certificate, that in 'Legaleese' means we are just property, assets in the publicly floated company that is Britain. We were called U.K.PLC. but the name was changed recently to something like United Kingdom Incorporated PLC, although U.K.PLC. is still used, (this is easy to find out information, even the Government website 'Directcom' has articles about the company/country) we currently trade under the name of Alistair Darling M.P. And we are the companies assets, ever wondered how much you as stock are worth? I hope mine is in negative bloody equity.
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