Friday, 25 September 2009


I think I may have been picked for assassination, I'm not sure yet but I am pretty certain that the very least I am being measured for concrete boots.
Let me start at the beginning, earlier today I was in conversation with someone I know (actually I had to patiently and politely listen to a mild rant) about P.C.H.A. From what I was told, P.C.H.A residents are now upset that rather than re-let newly vacant properties to the person/people who are next in line on the housing list, the landlord is instead selling the properties on 'the open market', the person knew I had written less than praiseworthy things about them and I suppose thought I would be a sympathetic ear.
They've never been the most popular landlords though, I've heard more moaning about them than any other landlord in this area I am certain.
Anyway, when I got home and turned on the computer I noticed that for some unknown reason within the past twenty four hours the words "PCHA BUILD NEW HOMES BUT NOT FOR YOU PEASANT" attached to the title of every post, why the title of one post should suddenly attach its self to all the others was uncool to say the least, and its timing was enough to set off my unstoppable irrational fear and natural paranoia.
Have PCHA sent me a message? Is it a warning to 'leave off before I get hurt'? I will be sleeping with as much mediaeval weaponry as I can fit under my pillow and have nailed the windows closed, let 'em come. I'm not erm.. um, err scared, honestly I'm not........

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