Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Am I the only one who finds the sudden release of the details surrounding Blair Peaches murder by the Police at an anti-Nazi demonstration justy a bit cynical?
The news of an anti right wing protesters death coming out at a time when New Labour are trying to hook in votes against a right wing Tory party seems to me like 'they' want us to make a bigger, unconcious connection to the general election and the traditional left-right (ahem) 'struggle', it looks to me like B.Peach is being used as a temporary martyr.

1 comment:

ME said...

Wow, so my 'Blog' is popular eh? well golly gosh.
And err, how exactly am I going to moneytise it? Im not.
I not doing this so that I can sell space advertising the wares of nubile young Russian girls, or rip-off Poker websites.
What do I recommend? I recommend that you stick your money up a fast food lovers fly food factory, your own preferably.